I am the founder of dynin labs and
the developer of the ideal metaprogramming framework.
I have accounts on
I live and work in Mountain View, California. My primary professional interest is computer software as a medium for human communication.
I grew up in Russia and moved to Bay Area after high school. California definitely has the edge when it comes to weather. I especially enjoyed living and studying in Berkeley, except for the parking problem. (It can be argued, however, that the function of the latter is to create an incentive for doing research that would win a Nobel Prize.)
You can reach me by sending a message to . If you received an email from me, it is likely that you can find my voice number in the signature.
I am happy to share the code I am currently working on.
I was an engineer on the teams that developed and maintained Blogger, Google Reader, and Inbox, among other projects. However that code is closed source.
Sometimes I write funny code or hack for ice cream.
Here's a two-minute read. I also write on Twitter.
One of my hobbies is to come up with novel visual ways to interact with information. My clock design combines the advantages of a digital display and an analog dial. Here is a weather forecast visualization that communicates a lot more infromation than "sun and clouds" pictures.
My favorite quote is the Inventor's Paradox by George PĆ³lya: The more ambitious plan may have more chances of success.
Thanks for visiting! If you want to receive updates, following me on Twitter is likely to work best. If you link to me, please use https://mishadynin.com as the set of protocols I actively use is likely to evolve.